Questions and Answers


Who is The Psychology of Freedom for?

The Psychology of Freedom is meant to help those who are suffering from a wide variety of emotional difficulties, as well as for those curious and interested in opening up to the world of spirituality, or in deepening the knowledge that already exists.

What types of difficulties can this approach address?

This approach is suitable for anyone who is interested in acquiring tools to address anxiety, moodiness, lack of emotional stability, depression, difficulty in forging an identity, difficulties in interpersonal relating, anger management, dealing with ambivalence and decision making, difficulties on a professional level, addictions, PTSD, and more.

Is there anyone who might not be suitable for this approach?

The Psychology of Freedom offers a holistic approach which places the sprit-body-soul connection at its very center. It is suitable for anyone who is open to and interested in learning more.

How long will it take to begin to feel an improvement in my emotional well-being?

Usually, one feels some form of relief after several visits.

Will I need prior knowledge in meditation or spiritualism?

No prior knowledge or experience is necessary.

What is the difference between psychotherapy and spiritual work?

Psychotherapy is directed towards specific emotional problems that one seeks to address. Spiritual work, in contrast, provides universal solutions that can help everyone, through focusing on seeking serenity, balance and joy, regardless of objective life circumstances.

What is unique about the non-dual approach as it is offered here?

The type of understanding and depth of knowledge offered here is based only on the direct experience of the person who is practicing it, not on the opinions, worldviews, or conceptual precepts of others.