The Direct Path to Happiness


The direct path to happiness offers a clear and experiential understanding that our real Self, or our true, essential nature is always quiet, calm and at peace. When we turn inwards and search for our true self, we see that our thoughts, sensations and perceptions always change. They come and go.  The real self that is “underneath” the thought and perceptive processes, and “underneath” the senses and feelings that we experience, it is always free, fulfilled and happy.

This journey to self-discovery is carried out in two ways: The first is through meditative exploration, during which we attempt to understand and identify “Who or what am I?” Through this investigation, we might get a “peek” into our true nature.

The second route is conducted through interactive dialogue, in which questions that stem from psychological distress and suffering or from curiosity are examined. The aim of this discourse is to provide deep and satisfying responses that elucidate the ways we get stuck in feelings of separation; through this process, thinking stops and serenity and calm appear in its stead.

As time goes on, there are more and more “glimpses” into our true identity that lies in the background of all experiences. This discovery brings us naturally to the understanding that there is a real possibility of living a more stable, happy and calm life. This process of experiencing one’s true Self has a direct and lasting effect on the quality of life of the person who experiences it. Mood swings decrease, interpersonal relationships improve and become more harmonious, there is a clearer outlook on life, sharpened intuition, withdrawal from addictive substances and lessening of undesirable habits and more.

Despite the intellectual manner in which the direct path is presented, the understandings that are derived from it are totally experiential. Any progress is based only on direct experience, not on opinion, ideas, beliefs concepts, cultural background, gender, the  external worldviews of others,  or the teachings of spiritual leaders, traditions or religions. When something is experienced, it is understood and remains as knowledge that lasts forever. If it is not experienced, there can be no understanding and therefore, no change will take place.

The direct path to happiness draws upon various traditions. In the present framework, the majority of the inspiration for The Psychology of Freedom is derived through the traditions of Advaita Vedanta, which coincides with Jnana Yoga. The method is also referred to as the “Philosophic Path” or the “Path of Wisdom.”

In order to experience or understand the Direct Path, there is no need for prior experience with yoga or meditation. The only thing you need is inquisitiveness, curiosity and open-mindedness towards learning.