

  1. The Psychology of Freedom is a website that combines, among other things, online workshops, retreats and traditional workshops (hereinafter: the Products) designed for participants who registered by creating a guest account (hereinafter: the Website) and is operated by Licensed Dealer number 028787375 (hereinafter: the Psychology of Freedom); The Psychology of Freedom allows its customers and guests to access and make purchases via the Website, subject to the Terms of Use described in this Statute (hereinafter: the Statute); any reference made in writing in the Statute to the Psychology of Freedom shall also refer tp the Website and vice versa, as well as anyone acting on their behalf.
  2. This Statute is written in the feminine gender for the purpose of convenience only, and wherever the context shall require, all words herein in the feminine gender, shall be deemed to include the masculine gender and/or plural as well. Use of the Website and/or subscription to it, is permitted to any person of legal capacity over 18 years old.
  3. This Statute constitutes the basis for the use of the Website, and exclusively regulates the legal relations between the Psychology of Freedom and the user of the Website. Use of the Website constitutes the User’s consent to the terms of this Statute and to any other terms appearing and/or that will appear on the Website while using it. To the extent in which you do not agree with any of the terms set forth by the Statute and/or any other terms on the Website, please refrain from using the Website in any way whatsoever, including subscription to the Website, joining any activities offered by the Website and/or anything else related to the Website.
  4. The Psychology of Freedom and/or anyone on its behalf shall not be held liable and shall not bear any damages whether direct or indirect, consequential or specific, caused to the Website user and/or to third parties, as a result of use of or purchase through the Website, performed not according to this protocol, including loss of income and/or prevention of gain as a result of any reason whatsoever. The participant is aware that the activity combines spiritual knowledge with psychological knowledge and has registered to the platform after having read the material available on the Website. Participation in any activity is based on conscious knowledge, free will and personal choice.
  5. Psychology of Freedom reserves the right to change the Statute from time to time, at its sole discretion, and without requiring prior notice and/or advance notice, subject to any law the most recent version shall be binding. The User must verify that she read and agreed to the Statute prior to purchasing the product/s.
  6. In the event of any inconsistency between the instructions of this Statute and the information received from another source, the instructions of the of this Statute shall govern.
    The Psychology of Freedom invests effort in verifying that the information presented on the Website is complete and accurate, nevertheless, such information may contain some unintentional inaccuracies and/or errors. Psychology of Freedom shall not be held liable in any way with respect of such information.
    Psychology of Freedom may at its sole discretion remove any link from the Website and/or add any link. 
  7. Without derogating from the generality of the aforesaid, and without derogating from any relief or any other legal proceeding, it is hereby clarified that Psychology of Freedom will be entitled to prevent the access of users who, according to its sole and absolute discretion, performed or tried to perform any illegal action on the Website contrary to any law and/or the instructions of this Statute and/or which may harm in any way Psychology of Freedom and/or its reputation and/or the Website’s users/guests. Website digital records, including absorption of information as entered by the client, shall constitute conclusive and final evidence of the correctness of the actions performed by the client on the Website.
  8. Psychology of Freedom invests effort in verifying that the information presented on the Website is complete and accurate; nevertheless, such information may contain some unintentional inaccuracies and/or errors. Psychology of Freedom shall not be held liable in any way with respect to such information.
  9. The interpretation and enforcement of this Statute and/or anything stemming from it, shall be done in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, and will be clarified when needed, only in the Tel Aviv district court. In the event of contradiction between the cogent instructions of the applicable Law and the instructions of this Statue, the instructions of the applicable law shall govern.
  10. If there are any questions and/or clarifications regarding the operation of the Website and its activities, please contact the Psychology of Freedom customer-service directly at bacholow@gmail.com (via the contact details specified below in this Statute). Psychology of Freedom will make its utmost efforts to address any issue as soon as possible.
  11. This Statute, and any legal cause stemming from its use accordingly, including the validity and interpretation of the instructions of the Statute, will be subject to Israeli Law alone, and sole jurisdiction in any conflict concerning the Statute and usage according to it, shall be in the hands of the qualified courts in the Tel-Aviv area.

Use of the Website

  1. A Website “User/Customer” is anyone making use of the Website’s functions, both directly and indirectly, including any person making a purchase, visiting, surfing and/or making any other use of the Website, whether through a PC, laptop or otherwise. Any user represents, agrees and undertakes to meet all of the following provisions:
  2. Not to transfer, collect or use content and/or details and/or any other information found on the Website, whether such information belongs to Psychology of Freedom or to a third party.
  3. The Website must not be used for any illegal, offensive, or destructive purposes, which may change, disturb, erase, damage, limit, disrupt, sabotage or otherwise impact in any way the proper operation of the Website in any way whatsoever, including without limitation, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, malware or any other destructive or disruptive means or technology and/or any other form designed for future sabotage.
  4. The User may use Website services solely for legal purposes by any law, according to the terms of this Statute, in Good Faith and for her personal use only, and not for any other purpose or deceitful purposes and/or in order to perform any action and/or omission which may cause damage to the Website and/or its proper activity and/or any third parties.
  5. The Terms of Use in the following Website define, among other things, the Website’s method of use and regulate the product ordering method.

Products offered on the Website and their fees

  1. Specifications of products presented on the Website are updated from time to time and may comprise dates, locations and content-related differences. Users must check and verify prior to making a purchase, that all the details specified on the Website are compatible with her desires. In the event of any error, such as in the description of the location or its price, the Website will not be obligated by it, and in any case, the Website may correct the error and inform the user/subscriber. Without derogating from the aforesaid, it is hereby agreed and clarified that the Website will try its utmost, to the extent possible, to present accurate details and information.
  2. All product prices as specified on the Website are stated in NIS (New Israeli Shekels).
    These processes include VAT, where applicable by law.
  3. Psychology of Freedom is entitled to update and change prices, without requiring advance notice and at its sole the discretion. The binding fee is the fee given the client during the completion of the order process.
  4. Psychology of Freedom is entitled to advertise and/or offer Website users special sales and/or discounts and any other benefit under the terms determined by it and according to its sole discretion.
    Psychology of Freedom shall be entitled to discontinue any such benefit immediately and without advance notice.

Registration to the Website, mailing and purchasing method

  1. Prior to making a purchase on the Website you are required to fill out an order form with purchaser’s details and means of payment (hereinafter: the Order Form). Filling in the required details in the Order Form on the Website is a prerequisite for making a purchase on the Website. In order to ensure the order is executed quickly, effectively and faultlessly, one must make sure to provide all information correctly and precisely. Psychology of Freedom shall not be responsible for erroneous detail entries and/or any kind of resultant faults, and shall not bear any expense associated with it.
  2. Conveying false information is a criminal offense, and any person doing so may be subject to legal, criminal or civil action. Psychology of Freedom reserves the right to cancel an order in any event in which the information conveyed is false, incomplete or inaccurate.
  3. Purchases on the Website will be performed subject to credit card authorization. In cases where the transaction is not authorized by the credit card company, the client will receive proper notice and her account will not be charged for the transaction. Next, she will be returned to the payment page and asked to enter alternate means of payment. Responsibility for filling in the details, lies solely with the orderer, the Website shall not be responsible for erroneous information entered.
  4. During registration to the Website, a subscription option to receive Website official emails is offered.
    A client who wishes to unsubscribe from the mailing list after having subscribed, may easily do so via the link at the bottom of the email message received or in a message in writing to Psychology of Freedom Customer Service.
  5. Messages sent by the Website in any way whatsoever, including email and/or SMS as part of Website operation and/or as part of services rendered to Website users and so on, do not constitute a “marketing message”. The user hereby approves the conveyance of such messages by the Website.

Cancellation of a transaction by a user on the Website

  1. Only the ordering client (even if she addressed the dispatch to someone other than herself) may cancel in writing a transaction subject and according to the instructions of the Privacy Protection Law 5,741 – 1981, including instructions thereof (hereinafter the Law) and everything said above and below.
  2. Refund will be granted in accordance with instructions of the law, and by the means of payment with which the transaction was carried out, credit card refund will be made only to the credit card through which the purchase was paid, and according to the schedule of the credit card company.
  3. Refund will be granted in accordance with instructions of the law and respective of the cancellation policy specified regarding each event separately.
  4. According to the law, the customer may cancel the transaction in one of the following ways: telephone or WhatsApp message or via electronic mail, delivery of a written notice of order cancellation through any of the aforementioned means of communication and specified in the Statute. In the cancellation notice the customer must specify her name and identification number.

Order Cancellation by Psychology of Freedom

Psychology of Freedom is entitled to cancel a deal or a sale, in full or in part, in cases such as the following:

  1. In the event any paragraph of the paragraphs of this Statute and/or any binding document and/or any term of the terms of a service offered by the site is breeched;
  2. If the customer is found to have entered incorrect details during registration to the site and/or order execution;
  3. In the event of any action or omission which may be detrimental to the site and/or to any third parties, including customers, site employees and providers;
  4. If use of the site constituted and/or allowed and/or encouraged and/or assisted the performance of an action deemed as illegal according to the rules of the State of Israel;
  5. In the event of any error, including copying error and/or communications failure and/or any other technical failure that caused a mistake in product pricing;
  6. In the event of prevention and/or delay due to force majeure, such as, but without derogating from the generality of the aforesaid: actions of war, hostility, terror, cyber sabotage, intentional or unintentional failure in the store of the Website, strikes and shutdowns, abnormal natural events, credit card clearance faults and any other cause that is not the result of the Website’s action or omission;
  7. When Psychology of Freedom has reason to believe that it will not receive payment in consideration of the purchase made and/or if the customer’s credit card was blocked and/or restricted for use in any way whatsoever.
  8. Without derogating from the aforesaid, Psychology of Freedom will be entitled to not approve the order for other reasons according to its sole discretion.

Product Delivery

  1. Psychology of Freedom will act to supply the product to the customer subject to receipt of payment in full via credit card.
  2. Confirmation of the purchased product alongside a link to all internet activities will be sent to the subscriber’s email.
  3. Psychology of Freedom will ensure delivery of the product purchased on the Website to the email address specified by the customer.

Spiritual Property and Copyrights

  1. The Website and the contents published on it, including, without derogating from the generality of the aforesaid: trademarks, the Website design, graphics, logos, data, patterns, designs, illustrations, music, photos, images, audio clips, video clips, text, and so on (hereinafter: the Information) are protected by the Copyrights Laws of the State of Israel, international Art and Copyright Laws of other countries, and in any case belong to the Psychology of Freedom or to third parties. 
  2. It is strictly forbidden to copy and/or record and/or photograph and/or duplicate and/or distribute and/or sell and/or publish and/or present in any media and/or use the Information and/or make any action and/or usage, including self use and/or commercial, directly or indirectly, and all the aforesaid except if Psychology of Freedom has explicitly permitted it in writing and in advance.

Privacy and Information Security

  1. The privacy of users of the Website is important to Psychology of Freedom and the Website takes customary precautions in order to protect, to the extent possible, the confidentiality of the information disclosed by users. In order to improve the protection of privacy of Website visitors and/or customers, Psychology of Freedom provides information concerning its protection-of-privacy policy and the possibilities at the disposal of users during their visit to the site and to the extent related to Website conduct regarding the collection of information.
  2. While using Website services your personal information is gathered from several sources (hereinafter in this section: The Information). a. Information you knowingly disclose. The subscriber to the Website hereby confirms that the information be disclosed by her voluntarily and with her full consent. The customer will be responsible for the correctness of the information submitted; b. Information obtained as a result of Website usage (statistic and cumulative information, such as the pages viewed, offers and services interested in, and so on.
  3. Psychology of Freedom takes the highest standard precautions designed to protect, to the extent possible, the confidentiality of information and the privacy of its customers.
  4. The information is used according to the Law and is intended for Website management and operation needs as well as provision of services to customers, including: improvement of user experience, improvement and enrichment of the services and contents offered on the Website, changing and cancelling existing services and contents, adapting contents and services to customers and their tastes, for marketing and/or advertising and/or sales promotion and/or sales purposes, for the purpose of addressing the subscriber in any way, including through direct mailing of marketing and advertising and/or other material via all media channels) including SMS and email (including via Cookies technology “for the purpose of encouraging customer loyalty, analysis and statistical study, conducting reviews and any other online usage associated with marketing issues and/or internal needs.”
  5. Data registration on the Website and/or Website use constitutes the subscriber’s agreement that information about her personal details and any datum produced based on analysis of her details will be held in one data-base or more of Psychology of Freedom and/or anyone on its behalf, and that such information will be used legally. A user is entitled to demand from the Website, in writing, that information referring to her will be erased from the database. The user discloses her details of her own free will. The user is aware that she is under no legal obligation to disclose information about herself. Responsibility for the correctness of details and their update lies with the user alone.
  6. A user of the Website will have no claim against and/or demand from Psychology of Freedom concerning the disclosure of her details and their use as aforesaid and waives any such claim and/or proceedings, including by virtue of the Protection of Privacy Law, 5,741-1981.
  7. The customer’s agreement to receive mail, will constitute her consent to receive communications containing advertisements, special sales, benefits, collaborations and updates regarding the services provided on the Website. Contact and updates will be made through various media channels, e.g.: electronic mail and cellphone messaging (SMS). A customer who at one time agreed to receive mail, or did not notify of her refusal to receive mail, may, at any time, inform the Website of her refusal to receive mail. Refusal notification will be given in writing, or alternately through the subscriber removal mechanism found in all email communications.
  8. Any transfer of credit card number from the Website is encrypted in accordance with the strictest information security standard. PCI DSS Level and credit card details are not recorded on the Website or in possession of the company.
  9. In cases that are beyond its control and/or the result of force majeure, Psychology of Freedom shall not be held liable to any damage whatsoever, indirectly and/or directly caused the customer or anyone on her behalf and/or if such information is lost and/or reaches a hostile body and/or used without authorization.

Customer Service

For details and inquiries concerning the operation of the Website and its activities, please contact Psychology of Freedom through the following details:
Telephone: 054-775-8011⁩ | e-mail: info@nonduality.co.il